Adding and Editing Time Off, Work and Break Time

Adding or Editing Time Off

1. To assign time off for an entire day, select Holiday, Vacation, or Other from the toolbar.

2. With the time off option selected, click on a day in the calendar that you want to assign the time off to or click and drag to assign the time off to multiple days.

3. Or right-click on a day in the calendar and from the pop-up menu choose a time off option in the Fill Day With submenu.

Adding or Editing Shift Changes

1. To add or edit shift changes for an entire day, select Holiday, Vacation, Other or a Shift from the Shift drop down from the toolbar.

2. With the option selected, click on a day in the calendar that you want to assign the time or click and drag to assign the time to multiple days.

3. Or right-click on a day in the calendar and from the pop-up menu choose a time option in the Fill Day With submenu.

Splitting a Calendar Day Between Time Off or Shifts

1. In the Calendar tab, right click on a day and select Split Day from the pop-up menu.

2. In the Split Day dialog, select the shifts to split under the First Item and Second Item drop downs.

3. Choose the time the change should occur in the Time of Split field or grab the red divider line and drag it to the desired time split.

Erasing Time Off or Shift Changes

1. To Erase a time off or shift exception for a day or range of days in the calendar, select Erase from the toolbar.

2. Click on the day or click and drag across the range of days on the calendar to erase any time off or shift exceptions.

3. Or right-click on a day in the calendar and from the pop-up menu choose Erase.

Adding Work

1. Click on the Add Work button to designate the drawing mode.

2. Click and begin dragging the mouse from the day and time on the grid the work should begin.

3. Release the mouse button at the day and time the work should end.

Please Note

Work can be added to multiple days simultaneously by dragging the mouse across multiple days.

Adding a Break

1. Click on the Add Break button to designate the drawing mode (or, with the Add Work button selected, press the Ctrl key while dragging the mouse).

2. Click within a defined Work area and begin dragging the mouse from the day and time the Break should begin. Break time cannot be added to an area in the shift where Work is not defined.

3. Release the mouse button at the day and time the Break should end.

Editing Work or Break Time

1. Select the Add Work or Add Break button (or, if adding break time, select the Add Work button and then press the Ctrl key while dragging the mouse).

2. Add Work or Break time to the beginning or end of existing Work or Break time by clicking and dragging the mouse on the grid.

3. Removing Work or Break time is accomplished using the Erase button.

Please Note

Break time can be added to multiple days simultaneously by dragging the mouse across multiple days.

Erasing Work or Break Time

1. Select the Erase button (or, with the Add Work button selected, right-click and drag the mouse).

2. Erase Work or Break time by clicking and dragging the mouse on the day and time in the grid where Work or Break time should begin to be removed.

3. Release the mouse at the day and time the Work or Break time should stop being erased.

Adding or Deleting Shifts

1. Select the Add button below the list of Shifts. If this is the first time you are adding a shift, then you will already see a "Base Shift" created. Once an additional shift has been added, it will appear in list form under the Shift heading and act as a tab.

2. Select the shift to display its time properties to the right.

3. Rename, duplicate, delete or export any shift, including the Base Shift by right-clicking on the shift.

4. Select the Import button to import a shift from a file.

Duplicating Shifts

1. Right-Click on a Shift and select Duplicate from the menu.

2. A duplicated shift will appear in the shift list followed by a (1).

Renaming Shifts

1. To rename a shift, right-click on the shift located in the shift list and select Rename.

2. The shift name is highlighted and can be renamed.

Importing and Exporting Shifts

1. To import a shift, select it from the shift list and then click on the Import button located under the shift list.

2. To export, right-click on the shift in the shift list to be exported.

3. Select Export from the right-click drop down menu.

Changing the Shift Color

1. To change the shift’s identifying color, click on the color box to the left of a shift in the shift list. This launches a dialog of color palettes to select from.

2. Select a color and click Ok.